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England, Once My England from the album REINCARNATION 420 (for Tuff Gong) by ‘Les Paul’s’ (The Paul’s).
The writer doesn’t pull any punches as he leaves England’s ‘Once green and pleasant land’ behind as he sees the country owned by rich bankers who house the poor in ghettos, where if you don’t have money, you have no hope, a country full of racial and sexual discrimination, paedophilia rampant ‘from Lands End to Fife’, where ‘snobbery rules’ as does the ‘secret handshakes in the corridors of power’ where the ‘Old school tie’ will open many a door for you! This is England today and not the country the writer knows, in the land in which he was born and he will not regret leaving England for a distant land.
Watch the England, Once My England video promo HERE
Read about the song’s technical details HERE.
England, Once My England Lyrics
I was born here, but won’t die here
That’s for sure
I had to leave and get away
I couldn’t take no more

Runs through the heart of the nation
Where class and snobbery rules
And the poor are treated like fools

The Police are no where to be seen
Sitting in an office watching computer screens
Citizens are robbed, raped or killed
Chances are slim of getting caught by ‘The Old Bill’

In that green and once pleasant land
England, once my England
What it’s become is hard to understand
So hard to understand

Runs through the nation like sexism
‘Drink to be sociable’ they say
But they’re so cold anyway

The rich bankers they rule the land
They’ve got the politicians in the palms of their hands
They’ll house you in the ghetto’s, you’ve got no choice
If you ain’t got money, you ain’t got a chance

In that green and once pleasant land
England, once my England
What it’s become is hard to understand
So hard to understand

Rampant in towns, country and suburbia
Abuse in every walk of life
From Lands End to Fife

In corridors of secret handshakes
Learnt at Eton and Harrow and such places
You’re accepted-in if you’re one of them
If not, then to them you’re just phlegm
You’re just phlegm

In that green and once pleasant land
England, once my England
What it’s become is hard to understand
So hard to understand

Music composed and performed by Paul Odiase BMI No. 1252265 (Switzerland)
Song lyrics by Paul Robert Thomas PRS No. 497904008 (London)
PRS Tunecode 381385HN

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